Walk4ALZ 2024
October 19, 2024
October 19, 2024
Georgeanne Welde$300
Team Tom
Naomi Alter$25
Go Team Dina!!!!
Karen Lambert
Richard Ray$500
Tammy Rooke$500
For a great cause
Rosel Sigua-Chen$50
Jim DUNN$50
Thanks, Dina. It's a great cause. Very personal to me.
Ogeen Kiya$30
Sheila Lewis$100
Thank you Stellar Team!❤️
Sarah Beiber, LCSW$20
Anonymous Donor$10,000
Barbara and Tom Leanse$500
Jeff Eckert
Michael Rosenmayer$250
Kathy Cannon
Collected waterbottles at walk. Took to recyle.
Ellen Davis$50
Chris McAllister
Mary Ray$25
Neil Drysdale$200
Terrie Vorono$100
In memory of my parents and Margaret’s mom.
Bonita Miller$25
Thanks for all the support you give to families in San Diego. I have referred your services to friends who have someone with Alzheimer’s they are caring for at home.
Brynn gibbs$50
Carolina Barragan$25
Betty Wilson$50
Eddie Ross$20
Frances Reynolds$20
Judy Andre$100
Robin and Jim Sperling$500
In Memory of Robin's mom "Arlene"
Allen Hall$200
Karen Primus$50
Laurie Ann Myatt$25
Thank you for being so faithful!
Yoav Epstein$50
Carla Nieser$150
Peggy Peters$50
John Pohling$50
Go Team Lilies! We love you all
Orville Jay Fitz-Henley$50
Nona Paul$100
Celia Mccartney-Mundt$100
Linda Kugler$25
For our friends suffering with dementia
Phil Cherlin$250
Leisha Monroe$20
Kathleen Sebald$100
Sharon L Sprouse$25
For Ann's mom and for all those with ALZ. Love you Ann.